Saturday, May 20, 2006

LibraryC 2.0

Library 2.0
The question now being pondered by a lot of people is “How can libraries change to meet the changing needs and expectations of our customers?” The term “Library 2.0” is being used. Here are a few definitions:

From Michael Casey,
“Library 2.0 is an operating model tht allows libraries to respond rapidly to market needs. This does not mean that we abandon our current users or our mission. It is a philosophy of rapid change, flexible organizational structures, new Web 2.0 tools and user participation that will put the library in a much stronger position, ready to efficiently and effectively meet the needs of a larger user population.”

From Michael Stephens, Tame The Web: Libraries and Technology
”The principles of Library 2.0 seek to put users in touch with information and entertainment wherever they may be, breaking down the barriers of space, time and outdated policy. It is a user-centered paradigm focusing on knowledge, experience, transparency, collaboration, the creation of new content and encouraging the heart.”

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