Sunday, February 22, 2009

More things on a stick: Thing 24

In an attempt to keep up with the ever-changing online world, I signed up to participate in MLA's "More things on a stick" program. I skipped the first "23 things on a stick" session, so I will undoubtedly need to go back and grab some of those things to be able to complete this session.

I started by updating my blog, first started before moving from Oregon to Minnesota in the fall of 2005, and not really used much after about 7 months. (see the dates of the older posts!) I tried a new template, started a web site list, and added other blogs. Adding the other blogs was done by adding a google reader to my igoogle home page, then importing the feeds to the blog. That gives me the feeds in both places. I also added a little to my profile.

Last summer I started a blog for the library, and we use it for current events and some fun things like photos of costumed staff at Halloween. There is also a google calendar attached to it. Both the blog and the calendar are fed to the Northern Community Internet site, which gives them much more exposure.