Saturday, October 29, 2005

House Hunting in Grand Rapids

The next step, aside from packing, is a trip to Grand Rapids to hunt for a suitable house. We're flying out on Sunday am.
We've got a real estate agent.
We've got a list of houses.
We've got a camera.
We've got a notepad.
We'll be off and running on Monday morning on a whirlwind house tour!

Portland House is sold!!

Our house in Portland went on the market on Friday, October 21, and by Sunday evening we had 3 offers to consider. Hooray for Gerry at Bridgetown Realty!
We accepted one of the offers.
The inspection on Tuesday revealed that we had a shared sewer, one of the problems of owning an old house in old Portland. Today we signed an addendum accepting some of the closing costs and agreeing to clean and do minor repairs to the roof, so the house is really sold!!