Sunday, May 21, 2006

More Communication and Collaboration tools

Instant Messaging
53 million American adults use instant messaging and its appeal is especially apparent among young adults and technology enthusiasts. (PewInternet Study)
The major IM providers are AOL, Yahoo and MSN Messenger
Libraries are using IM both as internal means of communication and as a means of communicating with the public.

Some libraries are using IM as a type of virtual reference. (Computers in Libraries, April 2006)
Best practices for IM Technology
Use a mult-network IM program (Trillion or Gaim)
Use away messages
Use online sources for answers only if the best answer can be given from them
Don’t panic!

Messaging: VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
o Phone calls over the internet with a high speed connection and the downloadable software
o Skype on users PCs??
o Skype reference?

Wikis: Collaborative content creation allowing multiple editors
It usually has an article page and a discussion button.
It can be open(anyone can edit) or closed (limited number of editors)
Wiki software can be mounted on a server or developed on a hosting site
Wikipedia is the most famous wiki is a wiki hosting site.
Someone has created a wiki of Libraries that Blog

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