Saturday, November 05, 2005

Successful Hunting!

We have a house! At least, we have an agreement. After a whirlwind tour of 12 houses on Monday, we revisted 4 on Tuesday morning, and called our agent when we were halfway to the airport and asked her to make an offer on one. It's a very large old house, but with a monster in the basement in the form of an ancient oil furnace.
Our low offer was politely rejected, so we moved on to house number two, a much more reasonably sized house. The cats don't really need their own bedrooms! After some negotiations about the removal of an underground oil tank, we reached an agreement, subject, of course, to an inspection.
The listing is here, with pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What a GREAT house!! Sorry to have missed the party on Sunday, life with the new job is busy busy! You'll see what I mean soon enough ;-)

I hope you move goes as smooth as finding a house did -- I'll be sure to check here for your updates!